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Admiral Heights, Annapolis Walk, Archstone Annapolis Bay, Arnold, Bay Head, Bay Ridge, Bywater, Crofton, Crownsville, Eastport, Edgewater, Ft. Meade, President's Hill and Pasadena.
<% set rs = conn.execute("Select featuredlistings.show_home_pic, featuredlistings.show_home_price, featuredlistings.show_home_address, listing.price,, listing.pic1, featuredlistings.listing_id,, listing.address1 from listing INNER JOIN featuredlistings ON = featuredlistings.listing_id where realtor="& iAgentID &" and active=1")
If rs.eof then
<% else %>
<%end if
set rs = conn.execute("Select featuredlistings.show_home_pic, featuredlistings.show_home_price, featuredlistings.show_home_address,, listing.pic1, featuredlistings.listing_id,, listing.address1 from listing INNER JOIN featuredlistings ON = featuredlistings.listing_id where (realtor="& iAgentID &") and (active=1) AND (show_home_pic =1 OR show_home_price =1 AND show_home_price =1)")
If rs.eof then
<% else %>
dim iOrderBy, strOrderby, iDescAsc, strAscDesc
iOrderBy = RandomNumber(5)
If iOrderBy = 1 then
strOrderby = ""
ElseIf iOrderBy = 2 Then
strOrderby = ""
ElseIf iOrderBy = 3 Then
strOrderby = "listing.targetState"
ElseIf iOrderBy = 4 Then
strOrderby = "listing.price"
strOrderby = "listing.address1"
End If
iDescAsc = RandomNumber(1)
If iDescAsc = 1 then
strAscDesc = "ASC"
strAscDesc = "DESC"
End If
'Show featured homes if selected to be on home page
set rs1 = conn.execute("Select listing.address1,, listing.targetState, listing.price, listing.pic1, featuredlistings.show_home_pic, featuredlistings.show_home_price, featuredlistings.show_home_address,, featuredlistings.listing_id,, listing.address1 from listing INNER JOIN featuredlistings ON = featuredlistings.listing_id where (realtor="& iAgentID &") and (active=1) and (featuredlistings.show_home_pic=1 OR featuredlistings.show_home_price=1 or featuredlistings.show_home_address=1) order by "& strOrderby &" "& strAscDesc &" LIMIT 1")
If not rs1.eof then
If (NOT isnull(rs1("pic1"))) AND (rs1("pic1") <> "") and (rs1("show_home_pic")=1) then
response.write " "
End if
If (rs1("price") <> "") AND (rs1("show_home_price") = 1) Then
response.write "
"& formatcurrency(rs1("price")) &"
response.write " "
End If
If (rs1("address1") <> "") AND (rs1("show_home_address") = 1) Then
response.write "
response.write ""
End If
End if
set rs1 = nothing
Function RandomNumber(intHighestNumber)
RandomNumber = Int(Rnd * intHighestNumber) + 1
End Function
<% end if %>
On my real estate website,, you can access not only MLS listings, but you can also view my personal Featured Real Estate Listings. My real estate websites supports clients not only for Anne Arundel County, but the entire state of Maryland.
No matter what your real estate needs are; home inspectors, termite, seling a home, first time buyer programs...we provide you with all the resources you need when hunting for homes in Annapolis, Pasadena or any where else in Maryland.
The Annapolis and Pasadena areas of Maryland offer a variety home styles, types and landscapes that can meet your needs. As one of Maryland's fine real estate agents, I am equipped with state of the art technology that allows me to provide you with the best in professional services and assistance possible. With my wireless mobile office, I can show you more homes for sale in pasadena, provide you with access to an extensive resource for local and regional real estate information and do it in the most efficient manner available today, anywhere! When you need my services - I am ready to support you. Contact me or learn more about me.
The Maryland Information Center provides you with tools for searching for homes in Ft. Meade, homes in Severn, homes in Annapolis and all of Maryland's surrounding areas. We have a large archive of articles and links to home inspectors, asbestos, mold, aluminum wiring, mortgage programs and many other important resources to help you buy or sell your home in Maryland.
Welcome to, a proud affiliate of The Answer Team Real Estate Network. Give me a call when you need the Services of a top producing agent.